钟演 博士
2023.08-至今 讲师,苏州科技大学,yl23455永利官网
2022,北京林业大学 博士研究生学术创新奖
主要研究兴趣为:新型纳米结构电催化剂的设计构筑及其在生物质基平台化合物电催化中的应用;基于阳极与阴极高附加值反应的电催化耦合体系构建与机理研究。迄今在Industrial Crops and Products, Catalysis Science & Technology和Molecular Catalysis等学术期刊上发表SCI论文数篇。
1. Yan Zhong*, Yu Liu, Sichen Wang, Shihang Hou, Yongming Fan*. Incorporation of tin oxide nanoparticles on sulfonated carbon microspheres as a bifunctional catalyst for efficient conversion of biomass-derived monosaccharides to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural. Industrial Crops and Products, 2024, 208, 117913.
2. Yan Zhong, Ruquan Ren, Jianbo Wang, Yiyi Peng, Qiang Li*, Yongming Fan*. Grass-like NixSey nanowire arrays shelled with NiFe LDH nanosheets as a 3D hierarchical core-shell electrocatalyst for efficient upgrading of biomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2022, 12 (1), 201-211.
3. Yan Zhong, Ruquan Ren, Yiyi Peng, Jianbo Wang, Xueyong Ren*, Qiang Li*, Yongming Fan*. In situ construction of hierarchical Ag-decorated Cu nanowire arrays as an efficient and durable electrocatalyst for hydrogenation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural. Molecular Catalysis, 2022, 528, 112487.
4. Yan Zhong, Ruquan Ren, Lei Qin, Jianbo Wang, Yiyi Peng, Qiang Li*, Yongming Fan*. Electrodeposition of hybrid nanosheet-structured NiCo2O4 on carbon fiber paper as a non-noble electrocatalyst for efficient electrooxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45 (25), 11213-11221.
5. Ruquan Ren, Yan Zhong, Xueyong Ren*, Yongming Fan*. Chitosan-based oxygen-doped activated carbon/graphene composite for flexible supercapacitors. RSC Advances, 2022, 12 (39), 25807-25814.
6. Ruquan Ren, Yan Zhong, Yongming Fan*. A high-performance electrode based on reduced graphene oxide/lignosulfonate/carbon microspheres film for flexible supercapacitors. BioResources, 2022, 17 (1), 1729-1744.
7. Jiawen Cai, Shengqiang Yang*, Yan Zhong*, Wanxin Song, Wancheng Zheng. A Physical-chemical Synergetic Inhibitor for Coal Spontaneous Combustion and Its Fire Prevention Performance. Combustion Science and Technology, 2020, 194 (6), 1155-1167.
8. Feng Liu, Yingchun Guo, Yan Zhong, Jingsha Li, Heng Zhang, Lei Shi, Xuanni Lin, Fenghui Ye, Kai Ge, Shuai Yuan, Chuangang Hu*, Chunxian Guo*. Sulfur-bridge ligands altering the microenvironment of single-atom CoN3S sites to boost the oxygen reduction reaction. Chemical Communication, 2024, 60 (30), 4064-4067
9. Yu Liu, Yiyi Peng, Yan Zhong, Ruquan Ren, Yongming Fan*. Preparation of a phosphorus-doped copper-nickel electrode and its application in electro-hydrogenation of 5-HMF. New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47(35): 16422-16428.
10. Yi Wu, Mengyi Tang, Yan Zhong, Zhenlong Guo, Kexin Li, Youdi Yang*, Qiang Li*. High-efficiency activation of the C-H bond to synthesize p-methoxy benzaldehyde over a MnO2/CNT/Gr catalyst. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46 (20), 9755-9761.